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The Pyralide

Method explained

The Pyralide method emerges in the holistic health landscape as a true revolution, stemming from unprecedented research and development efforts. What fundamentally sets Pyralide apart, beyond its unique approach integrating ancestral practices and modern advancements in wellness, is its institutional recognition and official certifications.


Rigorous Certification
Pyralide has obtained a government certification, attesting to its compliance with the most demanding national standards in care and therapeutic practice. This certification is not only a mark of quality and effectiveness; it also represents a commitment to the safety and well-being of patients.

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Les politiciens






Collaboration with NGOs having consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Committee (ECOSOC) and with project directors at WHO.


Beyond its certification, Pyralide has distinguished itself through exemplary collaborative work with international organizations such as UNION NATIONS FEDERATION, DDHu and Isabelle WASCHMUTH of the World Health Organization (WHO).


This collaboration demonstrates Pyralide's alignment with global public health goals and its commitment to promoting holistic approaches to health worldwide.


The Pyralide Program


At Pyralide, we firmly believe in the uniqueness of each individual and their specific health and well-being needs. That's why we place paramount importance on conducting personalized diagnostics, which form the cornerstone of our therapeutic approach.


Our diagnostics are designed to adhere to the fundamentals of Pyralide, aiming to isolate conflicts and treat them at their source, guiding the patient back to the origin of their issue.

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