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All therapists/practitioners wishing to join the Pyralide, its label, its training and its community, must accept our code of ethics and its charter of good conduct before being able to benefit from the Pyralide label:



For practical reasons, the masculine gender is used in the text. It must be understood in the same way in the feminine. In the event of a discrepancy between the French version and the English version of the regulations, the French version will prevail.







1.1.1   In these regulations, unless the context indicates a different meaning, we mean:


a)  THE PYRALIDE: The Pyralide label that the therapist has chosen for his supervision.


b)  Client: Anyone benefiting from the professional services of a member of the Pyralide, for remuneration.


c)  Confrere: Member registered on the Pyralid table.


d)  Immediate family: Spouse of the therapist, child, father, mother, brother, sister, grandparents, son-in-law, daughter-in-law and grandchildren of the therapist and the spouse.


e)  Member: Who is a therapist holding a certificate of membership and who is registered on the Pyralide table.


f)  Complainant: Any person who files a complaint against a member registered on the Pyralid roll.


g)  Therapist: The term therapist includes the terms practitioner, massage therapist and any other title granted by the Pyralide.


h)  Treatment: Any physical, manual or global work applied to a human being, with the aim of prevention, maintenance and/or promotion of health according to the skills received.




2.1.1    From the moment the therapist registers with his association under his legal name, he must use the same name on his professional card, on his advertising and any other reference related to his professional practice.


2.1.2   The therapist must, in his practice, protect the health and well-being of the individuals he serves, both individually and collectively.


2.1.3   The therapist must display the certificate of his registration on the Pyralide board in full view of the public in his main place of practice.


2.1.4   In the exercise of his duties, the therapist must take into account all the consequences that his research and work may have on society.


2.1.5   The therapist must promote educational and information measures in the area of treatment. Except for valid reasons, he must also, in the exercise of his functions, take the actions necessary to ensure this function of educating and informing the public.


2.1.6   The therapist, when invited by the media to publicly represent the Pyralide label and his profession, must stick to informing the public, with honesty and accuracy, on the methods generally accepted within the occupation.

2.1.7   In all cases where the member expresses his opinion, he must do so with honesty, objectivity, discernment and accuracy, committing to personally verify, beforehand, the veracity and nature of the information conveyed.


2.1.8   The therapist, when he publicly expresses opinions or values which go against the philosophy and mission of the Pyralide and what is generally accepted within his discipline, must specify that he does so in his personal name and that his opinions are his own and not his colleagues, nor the Pyralid.


2.1.9   The member's conduct must be characterized by moderation and dignity, avoiding resorting to any exaggeration or form of sensationalism.


2.1.10  The member must be respectful of his person, his language and his attitudes at all times in the workplace.






3.1.1  In the exercise of his profession, the therapist must take into account the limits of his skills, his knowledge as well as the means at his disposal. In particular, he must not undertake services for which he is not sufficiently trained without obtaining the necessary assistance.


3.1.2 When moving or abandoning the practice of his profession, the therapist must ensure that the client will have access to therapeutic follow-up.


3.1.3  The therapist must carry out his work with respect for the privacy, dignity and freedom of the client.


3.1.4  The therapist cannot invoke friendship with a client, the client's free consent or seductive maneuvers to justify an exemption from his responsibility as a member in good standing and from his ethical duties towards the client or his association .


3.1.5 The therapist must not resort to dishonest or questionable procedures in the exercise of his professional activities.


3.1.6 The therapist must in no way, directly or indirectly, undermine the client's free choice to consult another member of the Pyralide, a member of a professional order or any other competent person.


3.1.7 If the well-being of his client requires it, the therapist must consult a colleague, a member of a professional order or another competent person, or refer him to one of these people.


3.1.8 The therapist must refrain from practicing in conditions, states or places likely to compromise the quality of his services and the dignity of the profession.


3.1.9   The therapist must refrain from interfering in the personal affairs of the client and must avoid holding any indiscreet conversation with the latter, nor putting pressure to obtain information of a confidential nature from the latter.


3.1.10  The therapist must establish a relationship of trust between him and his clients. To this end, the therapist must:


a)  Avoid disclosing your personal situation to the client in any way or providing details about your private life;


b) Refrain from soliciting your client for any reason whatsoever;


c)  Refrain from practicing one’s profession in an impersonal manner;


d)  Respect the client’s physical, mental and emotional boundaries;


e)  Respect the basic rules of personal hygiene so as not to indispose your client;


f)  Conduct interviews in such a way as to respect the scale of values and personal convictions of your client, when the latter informs you thereof;


g)  Prioritize the interests of his client rather than his own interests and, among other things, he must avoid having multiple meetings or taking actions that are unnecessary, inappropriate or disproportionate to the client's condition;


h)   Become aware of the client’s state of health and record it in writing in their file;


i)  Explain to its clients, in a complete and objective manner, the nature and terms of the services which will be provided to them.


3.1.11  The therapist must open a file for any new client, containing the information below, and keep it up to date at all times:


a)  The client’s name, gender, date of birth and address;


b)  The dates and duration of the consultations, the history and the condition of the client;


c)  The nature of the care applied;


d)  The therapist's comments and observations regarding the client's assessment and development during the period of care;


3.1.12  A member who ceases or refuses to provide the necessary therapist services to a client must, to the extent possible, ensure that the latter can receive care from another person.


3.1.13 The therapist must, in the exercise of his profession, have irreproachable conduct towards a client, whether on a physical, mental or emotional level.




3.2.1  The therapist must not engage in any type of sexual activity with their client for the duration of the professional relationship and for a period of 1 year following the provision of services with their client.


3.2.2 In addition, the therapist must be aware that the therapeutic relationship can generate needs or desires of a sexual or other nature, both in the client and in the worker. Sexual relations and activities are in contradiction with professional ethics and are therefore prohibited as long as the client uses the therapist's services. Along the same lines, the therapist cannot establish intimate or romantic ties with the client for the duration of the professional relationship.


3.2.3 The therapist must not harass or sexually abuse his client by refraining, in particular, at all times:


a) To suggest, offer or claim to be able to cure the client's sexual problems or dysfunctions, unless they have received specialized training for this purpose (with supporting documents) and are a member in good standing of an association, corporation or order professional;


b) To engage in behavior, such as a gesture or expression, that is sexually degrading to the client or that demonstrates a lack of respect for the client's privacy;


c) Making seductive, insinuating gestures or jokes with a sexual connotation, requests for dates, sexual favors or any other behavior with a sexual connotation;


d) Any sexual relationship, seduction maneuver or any sexual touching with his client;


e) To behave in any way aimed at seducing or satisfying his or her emotional needs or those of the client;


f)  To suggest, propose, stimulate or practice bodily techniques or maneuvers such as touching, kneading, rubbing, rubbing, brushing, examining or otherwise manipulating the client's body or practicing energetic maneuvers with the avowed or unstated aim of seduction or satisfaction of his or her sexual or emotional needs or those of the client;


g)  To suggest, advocate, encourage, prescribe or practice bodily or energetic maneuvers akin to caresses with a sexual connotation to regularize the client's emotional or psychosomatic problems;


h) To make inappropriate comments with a sexual connotation or sexually degrading comments about the client such as comments on the client's physical appearance, clothing, underwear, practices or sexual or other orientation of the client. same nature;


i)  To have a sexual relationship with a client, whether or not initiated by the client, including full or non-complete sexual intercourse, masturbation, or any genital, oral, or anal contact.


3.2.4   If the therapist assesses that his client needs it, following confessions on the part of the latter about his sexual problems or dysfunctions, he must refer the client to a clinical sexologist therapist, member of a corporation, association or professional order.




3.3.1   The therapist must, in his work, identify himself with his clients and avoid any false representation as to his level of competence or as to the effectiveness of his own services. He must constantly display, in his workplace and in view of his clients, his name and recognized titles and keep the Code of Ethics available to them.


3.3.2   The therapist must refrain from issuing documents containing false information to anyone and for any reason whatsoever.


3.3.3  The member must have adequate and sufficient equipment to be able to provide the services related to his title and his competence, and must ensure that this equipment is constantly in good working order.


3.3.4 The therapist must fulfill his or her professional obligations with integrity, objectivity and moderation.


3.3.5 The therapist must avoid any misrepresentation regarding his or her level of competence. He must, in the exercise of his profession, remain within the limits of his abilities, his knowledge and the means at his disposal; he must, if necessary, consult or direct his client towards other professional services.


3.3.6 The member must be transparent in obtaining their titles, skills, certificates of study or diplomas.


3.3.7 The therapist must inform his client as soon as possible of any harmful and difficult to repair error that he has made in rendering him a professional service.


3.3.8 The therapist must refrain from advising the discontinuation and/or modification of his client's medication and must, in the client's interest, respect the opinions and advice of other health professionals.


3.3.9 The therapist must refrain from making medical diagnoses and/or criticize the opinions and advice of health professionals and must, in the interest of the client, respect other health professionals.






4.1.1   The fact, for a therapist, is derogatory to the dignity of the profession:


a)  Be guilty of fraud in obtaining their titles and skills;


b)  Refusing to provide services to a person on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, religion, political beliefs, language, ethnic origin or national, social condition, disability;


c)  Abuse, in the exercise of his work, the inexperience, ignorance, naivety, vulnerability or poor state of health of his client;


d)  Provide or cause to be provided to a client an unjustified material advantage, in particular by falsifying a declaration, a receipt, a report or any document relating to the health of a client or the service given to the latter;


e)  Not being modestly and properly dressed when carrying out his work, regardless of the place where he practices;


f)  To solicit, harass, promote, use hallucinogenic substances or drugs at any time as a complement to treatment;


g)  Perform his work while under the influence of alcoholic beverages, narcotics, hallucinogens, narcotic or anesthetic preparations or any other substance capable of producing intoxication, impairment or disturbance of the faculties or unconsciousness;


h)  Intervene with a client whose faculties are affected by alcohol, medications, narcotics, drugs or hallucinogens likely to lead to confusion and ambiguity regarding the therapeutic nature, except in an adapted setting to this type of problem;


i)  Perform an act or behave in a way that goes against what is generally accepted in the exercise of the practice of one’s profession;


j)  Performing physical or psychological actions with the aim of inciting a client, directly or indirectly, to acts of a sexual nature;


k)   Taking advantage of one's profession with the intention of unnecessarily undressing a client when the latter's condition does not require excessive undressing;


l)  Communicate with the complainant when he is informed of an investigation into his conduct or his competence or when he has been served with a complaint against him;


m) Accept or offer money or any other advantage to contribute or have contributed to having any decision adopted by the Pyralide, the board of directors or the general assembly thereof, or any of its committees or officers;


n)  Making a diagnosis and/or expressing criticism of the opinions or advice received by the client from another therapist or other health professional;


o) Encourage someone urgently or repeatedly to use their professional services;


p)  Not communicate to his association that he has reason to believe that a member is incompetent or in violation of the Code of Ethics;


q)  Omit to report to the Pyralide that he has reason to believe that a person requesting admission to it does not meet the required conditions;


r)  Guarantee, directly or indirectly, the healing of an illness, injury or any pathology;


s)  Claim fees for professional acts not carried out, with the exception of gift certificates, unless a prior agreement has been signed by the client indicating that there would be fees applicable if the client does not inform him of his absence at least 24 hours in advance, except for a major reason;


t)  Request from a client a sum of money for a professional service or part of a professional service the cost of which is assumed by a third party;


u)  Provide or cause to be provided to anyone an unjustified financial, material or other advantage, in particular by falsifying a declaration, report, receipt or any other document relating to the health of the client or the services provided to the latter .


v)  Advise or encourage a client to perform an illegal or fraudulent act.





4.2.1  The therapist must contribute to helping the development of his association, through his participation in continuing education courses and training courses.





5.1.1   The therapist must be loyal, honest and attentive to his client.


5.1.2  The therapist must demonstrate honesty and transparency in relation to the services provided to the client. He must provide the explanations necessary for the understanding and appreciation of the service he provides.


5.1.3  The therapist must refrain from expressing opinions or giving contradictory or incomplete advice. To this end, he must seek to have complete knowledge of the facts before giving an opinion or advice.


5.1.4   The therapist may not, except for just and reasonable grounds, cease or refuse to provide the necessary treatments to a client. In particular, the following constitute just and reasonable grounds:


a)  The client’s loss of trust in the therapist and vice versa;


b)  Incompatibility of character between therapist and client;


c) Incitement on the part of the client to carry out illegal, unfair or fraudulent acts;


d)  The fact that the therapist is in a situation of conflict of interest or in a context such that his professional independence could be called into question;


e)  Any reproachable behavior on the part of the client and, in particular, involving force, threats, blackmail, coercion, psychological, verbal or physical violence or any behavior with a sexual connotation;


f)  A reasonable risk to the health of the therapist or client;


g)  Loss of integrity on the part of the client or therapist;


h)  The fact of a client being under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any substance that could affect their lucidity or health;


i)  Any inappropriate behavior by the client in relation to the therapist.




6.1.1  The therapist is bound by professional secrecy and must respect the secrecy of any information of a confidential nature obtained in the exercise of his profession.


6.1.2  The contents of the file concerning a client, held by a therapist, may only be disclosed, entrusted or handed over to a third party, in whole or in part, with the written authorization of the client concerned or when the law so requires. required.


6.1.3  When a therapist works with several members of a family, the right to professional secrecy of each member must be safeguarded.


6.1.4  The therapist must not use confidential information to the detriment of a client or with a view to directly or indirectly obtaining an advantage for himself or for others.


6.1.5  The therapist must avoid any indiscreet conversation about a client and the services that will be rendered to him.


6.1.6 In the event that a therapist wishes to record, photograph or film an interview, he or she must first obtain written permission from the client.


6.1.7 The therapist must refrain from intervening in the personal affairs of his clients. On the other hand, he must collaborate with his clients or their relatives or with any other person when the client's interest requires it, and this, with the agreement of all parties, including the client.


6.1.8 The therapist must demonstrate objectivity and discernment following a request for information.




7.1.1 The therapist must, in the exercise of his profession, fully engage his personal civil liability. He is prohibited from inserting, in a professional services contract, a clause excluding directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, this liability.



7.1.2 The therapist must consult a recognized professional if he or she feels emotionally, psychologically or sexually vulnerable. Failing this, he is required to refrain from carrying out his work.


7.1.3  The therapist must use in good faith all resources in his private life to be in emotional balance and in full sexual and psychological health, without having to use his clients to meet his emotional, psychological or sexual needs.




8.1.1   The therapist must put the interests of the client ahead of his or her personal interests.


8.1.2 The therapist must ignore any intervention by a third party that may influence the performance of his professional duties to the detriment of his client.


8.1.3  The therapist must at all times safeguard his professional independence and avoid any situation where he would be in a conflict of interest.


8.1.4  The therapist cannot provide his immediate family, or anyone residing under the same roof, with unjustified advantages related to his professional practice, such as receipts for reimbursement purposes. The therapist may at any time apply treatment to any of these people without issuing a receipt for reimbursement.


8.1.5 As soon as he realizes that he is in a situation of conflict of interest, the therapist must notify his client and, as far as possible, help him in his efforts to find another therapist.


8.1.6  The therapist may only share his fees with another person to the extent that this sharing corresponds to a distribution of services and/or responsibilities and that his autonomy is respected.


8.1.7  With the exception of the remuneration to which he is entitled, the therapist must refrain from receiving, paying or committing to pay any rebate and/or gift.


8.1.8  Tipping is a form of remuneration to the extent that it respects what is generally accepted in our society. Tipping should be left at the customer's discretion.




9.1.1 The therapist must keep his files in a place or room inaccessible to the public and capable of being locked. In addition, he must take reasonable measures with regard to his employees and the staff around him to ensure that the confidentiality of the information on his customers that he has in his possession is preserved.


9.1.2 Access to the information contained in a file is free. However, the therapist may charge the client a reasonable fee for the transcription, reproduction or transmission of the information. The therapist who intends to charge such fees must, before proceeding with transcription, reproduction or transmission, inform the client of the approximate amount that the latter will be required to pay.


Development and Maintenance of the Patient follow-up file


9.1.3 Obligation of the therapist: Commit to establishing and maintaining a comprehensive Patient follow-up file for each client, scrupulously ensuring the confidentiality and preservation of client information, respecting legislation and standards relating to the protection of personal data.


9.1.4 Explicit content of the Patient follow-up file: The Patient follow-up file will serve as an exhaustive directory, collecting the medical history, the therapeutic methods applied, consecutive annotations of each session and all other useful data for the monitoring and evolution of the client.


9.1.5 Data security: Ensure the security of the Patient follow-up file, ensuring secure storage and retaining it for a period consistent with legal and ethical guidelines.






10.1.1  The therapist must charge and accept fair and reasonable fees.


10.1.2  Fees are fair and reasonable if they are justified by the circumstances and proportionate to the services rendered. The therapist must take into account the following factors in setting his fees:


a)  His experience;


b)  The time spent performing the professional service;


c)  The difficulty and importance of the service;


d)  The provision of services that are unusual or require exceptional skill or speed;


e)  Training received.


10.1.3  The therapist must provide his client with all the explanations necessary to understand his fee statement and the payment terms.


10.1.4  The therapist cannot demand payment for his services before they are rendered.


10.1.5  The therapist cannot charge fees for services not provided unless there is a cancellation policy and the client is informed of this provision. The therapist, in such a case, cannot charge more than the fees usually charged for a session.


10.1.6  The therapist must inform his client of the cost of his services.




10.2.1 The therapist must view the sale of products as a customer service and not as a primary source of income.


10.2.2 The therapist must refrain at all times from excessive advertising and from using his or her professional status to engage in high-pressure sales.


10.2.3 The therapist may sell products to the extent that they are related to his practice as a therapist and are complementary to the exercise of this practice.


10.2.4 The therapist may not trade in products or methods likely to harm the client's health.


10.2.5 The therapist cannot mention or make it appear that the Pyralide recognizes, endorses or suggests different articles, accessories and/or devices.




10.3.1  La Pyralide and each of its members have a duty to inform the consumer about the real possibilities, limits and contraindications of the treatment and products offered by the therapist: articles, accessories and/or devices related to the best -be the customer.




10.4.1  When a therapist wishes to advertise, he is allowed to use the logo as well as any other form of identification with the Pyralid in a promotional manner to allow him to show his belonging to it, while respecting however its mission and philosophy.


10.4.2  It is in the spirit of the previous article that it is prohibited from using the logo and/or any other form of identification of the Pyralide for:


a)  Request funds;

b)  Recruit, direct or solicit for the purposes of making the public or its clients join groups of an esoteric, religious, spiritual or political nature.


10.4.3  Information intended for consumers takes precedence over any form of advertising.




10.5.1  The therapist can only attribute particular qualities or skills to himself if he is able to justify them.





Ethical Conduct and Integrity in Customer Management


10.5.2 Protection of the integrity of the Pyralid: It is imperative that the therapist absolutely avoids diverting, for his own benefit or for others, the clientele originating from or known via the Pyralid. Any effort and energy deployed to provide work to therapists must not be diverted for personal purposes or for members external to the Pyralide.


10.5.3 Transparency and integrity: Adherence to honest and transparent behavior towards customers and other members is vital to establishing an environment based on trust and mutual respect.


10.5.4 Respect for client choices: The client's preference for a particular therapist must be respected and any interference in this relationship by another Pyralide therapist must be avoided.


10.5.5 Fair competition: Any act of unfair competition, denigration or any act aimed at harming the reputation or practice of a colleague within La Pyralide is strictly prohibited.


10.5.6 Managing client transitions: If a client voluntarily opts to change therapists within the Pyralide, it is strongly recommended that the new therapist initiates communication with the previous therapist, if possible and appropriate, to ensure a transition gentle and respectful to all parties involved.


10.5.7 Avoid customer capture: Any action that could be interpreted as an attempt to capture customers contrary to the principles and practices approved by the Pyralide must be avoided.




11.1.1 The premises where the practice is carried out must be simple, clean and regularly maintained. Sinks and toilets must be cleaned with an antiseptic and disinfectant product.




11.2.1  The therapist must wash their hands with a product suitable for disinfection before and after each treatment.




11.3.1  The therapist must ensure that the equipment he or she uses for a treatment (sheets, towels, cushions, devices, etc.) is washed and/or disinfected with the appropriate products before each treatment.





Solidarity and Mutual Respect Between Therapists


12.1.1 Empathy, respect, and mutual support are fundamental in interactions between the Pyralide therapists. Criticism must be formative, and any disagreements must be resolved in a professional and respectful manner, favoring direct communication and, if necessary, resorting to internal mediation.





Objectives and Functions of the Committee


13.1.1 The Pyralide Committee works to provide an optimal framework, ensuring a safe and effective therapeutic environment for clients and supporting the professional development of therapists.


Composition and Coherence of the Committee


13.1.2 The committee, made up of members with various expertise integrating all bodies of the Pyralide, ensures that all policies and decisions are free from bias and that they reflect an integrative and holistic vision.


Administration and Communication


13.1.3 Constant supervision, evaluation and improvement of practices and guidelines, and ensuring effective communication between all entities is paramount.


Protection of Client Files and Continuous Professional Development


13.1.4 The committee must ensure the integrity and security of client files and must work for the constant improvement of the skills of therapists through various professional development programs.




14.1.1 Holistic therapies, in essence, look at the individual as a whole, offering an enriching perspective but sometimes difficult to measure or quantify with the tools of classic scientific research.


14.1.2 Expertise and Specific Recognition Expertise in the field of holistic therapy is not only measured via the knowledge acquired or the certifications obtained, but also and above all by the recognition of the importance of experience and intuition in practice.Intuition Recognition Policy: Acceptance and valuing of intuition and experience as key elements in therapeutic delivery, while balancing them with proven methodologies.


14.1.3 Preserving Authenticity and Client Security Ensuring the authenticity of therapy is essential to maintaining client trust and ensuring a safe and protective space. Practice Verification Policy: Establishment of a client verification committee therapeutic practices to ensure they remain aligned with holistic principles and client needs.


14.1.4 Assurance of Timely Therapeutic Outcomes Although the benefits of holistic therapies may not always be immediately palpable or tangible, it is crucial to value and recognize their long-term impact. Client Monitoring Policy: Institute regular follow-ups to assess the client's well-being and satisfaction, including several months after the end of therapy, to recognize and value the long-term and non-tangible results of interventions.


8.1.5 Commitment to Continuous Development The profession of therapist is a journey of continuous learning and requires constant updating of knowledge and skills. Continuing Education Policy: Obligation for therapists to undertake continuing education, through participation in workshops, seminars, and other learning opportunities to stay at the forefront of holistic therapeutic practices.





15.1.1  The therapist must not harm the good faith of a colleague or be guilty of a breach of trust or unfair practices towards him. In particular, he must not take credit for work that belongs to a colleague.


15.1.2  The therapist consulted by a colleague must provide the latter with his opinion and recommendations as quickly as possible.


15.1.3  The therapist called upon to collaborate with a colleague must preserve his professional independence. If he is entrusted with a task contrary to his conscience or his principles, he can ask to be excused from it.


15.1.4  The therapist must not in any way harm the reputation of the Pyralide or any of its members.


15.1.5  The therapist who reproduces the graphic symbol of the Pyralide for the purposes of his advertising must ensure that this symbol conforms to the original held by the secretary of the Pyralide.


15.1.6 Any member of the Pyralide who collaborates and/or recommends a joint intervention with another therapist must ensure that the professional in question has completed his training and meets the ethical standards of his association or professional order, and that this association or order has an appropriate disciplinary mechanism.


15.1.7  The member must refrain from obstructing the work of the leaders of the Pyralide or the members of one of its committees, or from deceiving them through reluctance, false declarations or the production of inaccurate documents, or by refusing to provide them with information or documents necessary for the proper functioning of the activities of the Pyralide or its committees.


15.1.8  The therapist cannot help a person in the Pyralide admission process.


15.1.9  The therapist must notify the board of directors, where applicable, of:


a)  Complaint, suspension and/or exclusion against him while he is or was part of another professional association;


b)  Possession of a criminal record, without necessarily disclosing the nature of the offense(s);


c) His membership or admission as a member of an alternative medicine association other than the Pyralide.


As a health professional - wether you are specialized in traditional or alternative medicine, benefit from our complete Pyralide health program, offer a 360 degree treatment protocole to your patients, and join the Pyralide community who shares the same values in terms of overall health and well-being.


Spa owners, hotels groups and health institutions can benefit from our Pyralide holistic expertise and experience in order to offer a 360 degree health therapy to their patients and clients, increase sales and visibility and share their success with our constantly growing Pyralide holistic community.

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